Apologies for not posting for so long. Lots of stuff has happened with all manner of japes and jaunts to report. Look, I’ll simply chuck a few photographs up for now. The headlines read:
1. The Fall at Oxford’s Zodiac.
A fine evening. It was fun to check out a new venue and The Fall were on good form. Luckily, Youtube has come up trumps and it is possible to view a euphoric rendition of Big New Prinz. A bubbly S is to be spotted bopping away at 05.35 with the author of these pages poised just behind him adopting an ironic post-punk pose. The opening number, Reformation, is here but, sadly, there are no crowd scenes to drool over. The idea of the evening was to celebrate S's impending nuptials and we did so in style.
2. S’s Wedding
Hello Magazine wanted this photograph but I won’t be bought by anyone. The last few moments of the young blade’s bachelordom captured on film. It was a smashing day.
3. The Evening ‘Do’
We all went to 5 North Street in Winchcombe for a slap-up meal. This place is only one of two establishments in the county with a Michelin star and the Coles were bowled over by every aspect of the meal. The photograph features the evening cabaret warming up.