I believe the young scamp has made it two weeks in a row. To have one email read out on BBC 6Music’s Freak Zone may be regarded as fortunate, to have two may be considered favouritism. Last week dear S was quoted by the arch and wry Stuart Maconie on the subject of The Fall, specifically the meaning behind the lyrics of up tempo ditty Bournemouth Runner from 1986’s opus Bend Sinister. Yesterday, the combination struck again as the laconic presenter provided a grateful nation with S’s musings on the minutiae of late 80s post-punkers, King of the Slums. I couldn’t quite believe what I was hearing but am proud of the lad. I shall be at Pilton on Sunday so shall be unable to listen in and discover if the hat-trick has been attained. Maybe Leonard Cohen’ll announce it from the Pyramid Stage.
My departure for Glastonbury on Wednesday means I’ve probably watched my final match of association football in the current Euro 2008 tourney. I confess I’ve gone from searing ambivalence to keen interest and have really enjoyed plenty of the matches. Along with Newent’s finest D, I had invested a small amount of my hard-earned spoils in a bet, a wager if you will, on the orange-clad expressionists of Holland to win the whole blessed event; I truly thought I was quids in when the chaps from the Low Countries comprehensively dismantled both France and Italy in the group stages. My worries that the Hollandic hordes had peaked too early proved prescient when a youthful and ebullient Russian outfit (my tip for success at the next World Cup) played them off the blinkin’ park at the weekend. I hope the men from the former Soviet bloc go on to win the trophy but I sense those Germans, efficient and well-drilled as ever, may just triumph.
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