Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Under the Greenwood Decree
I can cope with more than one musical genre at once. I can, I can, I can. However, in the past week or so, my listening has moved away from the intense and earnest lo-fi acoustic scene that has dominated my varied sound systems since the turn of the year; my preference at the moment is reggae. A couple of albums I have downloaded recently have been spun a good deal.
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Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
This Sporting Life
It’ll be a tough test on Saturday for my favoured rugby football outfit, the
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A Poultry Return
We have some new chickens. An enthusiatic party of Coles attended the Domestic Wildfowl Trust H.Q. in Winterbourne today and, after much deliberation, debate, dissent and discussion, departed the admirable poultry paradise with three hens. We chose a brace of White Stars and a single Pekin Bantam. They are lovely birds and the White Stars (
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Mr and Mrs Cole have returned from
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Devices and Desires
I don’t wish to come across as some grasping and spoilt twit but I must confess that I have had my eye on a couple of new technological things recently.
My MP3 player earphones are the Creative ones that came with the machine and very fine they are too. However, my head has been turned by some new kids on the block, headphones that, verily, are inserted into the ear canal to block out any extraneous noise and make your sounds explode in your brain like aural fireworks from
The Coles (plural) are in the market for a decent digital camera as well. Our existing one does the trick but, while fine for ‘snaps’, isn’t quite up to the mark for very clear, detailed, really high quality photographs. We want to upgrade. Tonight I’ve been browsing through Kelkoo and comparing makes and models and, flippin’ cleverly, nipping onto the beautiful pages of Flickr to take a peek at photos taken by the cameras in question. My favourite so far is the Fujifilm Finepix S9500 which looks a solid and upright citizen and is responsible for some charming results. I am open to suggestions though.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
So unplug the jukebox...
Having used the word ‘entomologist’ in my last posting, I am proud to utilise ‘entomology’ this evening. I refer, of course, to the long playing album Entomology by Josef K that I have been spinning tonight. It’s a quirky little number, a sumptuous compilation of leftfield pop gems that makes one murmur, ‘So that is where Franz Ferdinand got their ideas from…’ Josef K famously committed career suicide by aborting their debut album Sorry For Laughing which stayed unreleased until 1990 but six blistering songs from it are found here along with six more from the ‘follow-up’, The Only Fun In Town and three from a 1981 John Peel session. The highlights of this collection, for me, are the four remarkable Postcard 7” singles, the electrifying Radio Drill Time, the poignant It’s Kinda Funny, the insouciant Sorry for Laughing and, my favourite, the jangly, plaintive and enormously uplifting Chance Meeting. The album is beautifully packaged in an eye-catching cardboard cover and the sleeve notes, worth a read depending if you are in the mood, are written by a deliriously over-the-top Paul Morley in the form of his life. I’m slightly cross that this bunch weren’t my favourite group at the time but I’m happy to make their acquaintance now. Hurrah.
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Truax is Tops
It was Acoustica at the Gloucester Guildhall last night, the first time I’ve attended since last October when Jim Moray brought his challenging take on the folk genre to the intimate local venue. Three acts were appearing last night. The Wraiths were on first. A male/female duo from
Thomas Truax (pictured) was the second act although he was billed as the headline performer. Having seen the man at
The final act was Chantelle Pike. Oh dear. I am not sure who was more dreadful, Pike or Jane Taylor, another ‘sensitive singer-songwriter’ I endured at Acoustica last April. Like
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
I have seen the future and it works...
Unexpectedly, I found myself guiltlessly enjoying a day off yesterday. The rest of the Coles were less affected by the snowy conditions so I contemplated a lazyish day by myself. I played two or three new CDs* that I have neglected slightly, read for a while before catnapping in front of an old monochrome war moving picture on Channel 4. I wonder if that’s what retirement will be like, a series of simple pleasures, nothing urgent on the agenda and no pressing responsibilities to contend with? I do hope so.
* Is A Woman by Lambchop, The Good , The Bad and The Queen by The Good , The Bad and The Queen and Lesser Matters by Sweden's The Radio Dept..
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Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
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Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
And a bicycle on the boy's birthday...
Can I refer the honourable gentleman/gentlewoman back to my cover version musings of a week or so ago? I missed out an absolute belter that would certainly have made my Top Three had I engaged my brain a bit more. Robert Wyatt’s rendition of Elvis Costello’s Shipbuilding is a mesmeric masterpiece that never fails to make the old hairs stand on end. As a considered response to the needlessness and folly of war (in this case the Falklands War), it has rarely been bettered. I thought of quoting a line or two from its lyrics but decided not to: every last word is evocative and incisive so choosing just a highlight or two would be foolish. Shipbuilding remains an extraordinary experience and Wyatt’s spare and considered rendition allows the astonishing content to fully hit home. There’s a clip on YouTube that is truly spellbinding.
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Chickens
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Monday, February 05, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Ice Ice Baby
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Sunday, February 04, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Warehouse: Songs and Stories
Working at Oxfam allows one first crack at anything decent that arrives in. This morning I bought a couple of CDs that were ‘out the back’ ready to be sorted. One was a single CD that contained both of Gram Parsons’ albums, GP (now does that count as an eponymous debut?) and Grievous Angel. I knew a fair bit of his work already as S did a tape for me years ago but I’m glad to own these recordings. Continuing the Gram Parsons theme, I also got Sin City – The Very Best of the Flying Burrito Brothers. I tend to shy away from ‘Greatest Hits’ packages but this CD contains every song from both The Gilded Palace of Sin and Burrito Deluxe as well as a couple of other well known tracks. I haven’t played the latter yet but I had the Gram Parsons solo stuff on earlier while I watched France defeat the noble Italians in the first Six Nations fixture of the season.
Talking of the rugby football, I felt real pride watching young Oliver 'Olly' Morgan (of my favoured Gloucester club) make such an accomplished and steady debut for England against Scotland this afternoon. I’m not usually one to get too thrilled about England but the thoroughbred Morgan’s elegant presence at the back, Michael ‘Mike’ Tindell’s no-nonsense midfield thrust, and, I confess, the old warhorse Vickery's leadership of the fifteen led to me cheering the white-shirted fellows on. It was good to see Wilkinson return too; he had a stormer. Harry Ellis, the Tigers scrummie, was superb and made yard after yard with some elegiac and purposeful sprinting. I don’t really like him though.
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Saturday, February 03, 2007