Merely a trick of the light
Uprock Narratives and Unknown Pleasures
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I’m tempted by a hop-hip concert. Public Enemy are performing at
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Monday, April 28, 2008
I’m somewhat aware that quite a few fine albums from the past year or two have slipped slyly under my Radio Detection and Ranging apparatus and I’m earnestly engaged in rectifying this sorry state of affairs. Boxer by The National was released almost one year ago but I have only grown to know and love this recording very recently. Here are twelve intense popular songs, richly crafted and featuring shimmering pianoforte, elegant percussion, soaring guitar soundscapes that underpin one of the most maudlin and melancholic voices in music. Here lurks introspection; hints of alienation, loneliness and urban gloom permeate the fairly subdued proceedings. The arrangements are upliftingly beautiful, the melodies take a while to appreciate but once under the skin, remain there like old 'n' loyal comrades. I’m always faintly reassured when I fail to ‘get’ an album on first hearing; Boxer proves that repeated listens really do bear fruit with recordings of quality. I recommend.
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Saturday, April 26, 2008
Last year’s grey skies and muddy walkways have obviously been erased from the Cole memory as I have booked up to visit the Green Man Festival again this August. The dude known as ‘S’ shall be joining me. Despite the weather, Green Man proved a very special weekend and I’m hoping that bluer skies will help this summer’s event be a smashing success. The full line-up is to be announced on May Day but several acts already booked catch this eye merrily. I’m playing the three albums by The National to death at the moment and this act’s sombre yet reflective numbers continue to hit the spot. They are appearing and I rejoice. The
Look above for a 2007 Green Man memory. The photograph is entitled ' View from my Tent'. S's back can be spotted in the distance.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The young prince has claimed my vote for this year’s ‘Player of the Season’ award, presented to the Gloucester player deemed most irreplaceable, irresistible and, excuse the Jamaican, irie by supporters. James Simpson-Daniel has remained fairly injury free this season and has never failed to capture this punter’s imagination game on game. His performances have never been less than wholehearted and full to the brim of commitment and dedication, while his craft, his creativity, his composure with ball in paw continue to catch the eye. I am yet to see the youthful fellow perform poorly in the famed colours and, this season, his imagination, style, pace and skill have consistently set him apart from his peers and opponents. I salute him.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
The past week was spent in Tenby, admiring blue skies and golden sands, and relaxing and chilling. Alas, although there remains plenty to report and mention, insufficient time and opportunities have meant that these pages have remained forlornly neglected. For this, I apologise.
A week and a day ago, your humble host was gallivanting in the capital, purchasing some of those new-fangled compact discs at the wondrous Fopp emporium, dining and imbibing like a lord at BBC TV Centre with D and A (my generous hosts) before trotting to the Hammersmith Apollo to witness the splendid hop-trippers Portishead in concert. The following day, I walked for
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Friday, April 18, 2008
Obtaining tickets for this summer’s Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts proved relatively straightforward last Sabbath morn. The married Coles and our eldest child who shall be fourteen in the month of the festival will all be attending. I’m actually really looking forward to the weekend but, after witnessing at first hand (and foot) the mud at Green Man last August, I earnestly hope for very dry weather. Ticket sales, I note, are down and, for the first time in many a merry year, the event failed to sell out within an hour or two. I am certain that all tickets will sell though. I felt a touch underwhelmed by the headliners that were announced earlier this year and wonder if other punters have withheld their custom because of a fairly lacklustre trio of main acts for the Pyramid Stage? Of the three, I suppose Kings of Leon are the most palatable. I quite enjoy their ditties when played on the wireless, but quite enjoying a combo’s ditties on t’wireless does not equate to exuberantly anticipating a live set. I have no axe to grind wi’ the hip-hop/soul community – heaven forbid - but I can think of no conceivable reason why I am likely to want to witness Jay-Z a-rappin’ ‘n’ a-rhymin’ on the Saturday night. The Verve, a nasty little third division indie band, headline on the Sunday and I shall be avoiding them like the ruddy plague. I can imagine the cigarillo lighters held aloft during Bittersweet Symphony now. Yuk.
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Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Gloucester 3 - Munster (a whole province) 16
‘Twas a great occasion at Kingsholm Stadium yesterday. The hordes of Munster supporters added vibrancy and warmth to an already electric atmosphere; with the devaluing of the knockout cup and the watering down of the importance of league fixtures, there are less ‘big games’ these days but this match was mighty and of tangible importance. It felt like the ‘old days’ before kick-off. It was a shame that the city club underperformed in key areas but, generally, the fellows in cherry played with commitment and satisfactory enterprise. A day after the disappointment of defeat, my thoughts are more rational. Criticisms have been levelled at the club’s coaches for a perceived lack of strategy but yesterday the fifteen on the park had plenty of chances to take the spoils. Several missed penalty attempts helped the cause not one iota and try-scoring chances were spurned through a dropped pass here, stern Irish defence there. Frankly, it wasn’t
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Sunday, April 06, 2008
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008