Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Reggae Fool

Poor Burning Spear knowledge. Sorry. The track I love the introduction to is not Jordan River but the sublime Red, Gold and Green. I shall don the sack-cloth.

On the recommendation of D I have purchased my first ever copy of Uncut magazine but shall not read it until I board the coach taking me to Paris – France, not Texas - on Saturday morning. The contents look fabulous: articles on Scritti Politti (I used to really like them and bought their first three albums), fey Scottish pop (another fave) and New Order (ditto).

I am tempted to buy Mali Music by Damon Albarn tomorrow so I’ll have something new to listen to while I’m away.

Oh yes, I’ll be away from Saturday until Wednesday so these pages will be still and serene for a few days. I shall be taking a laptop away with me so I might, if the muse grips me, pen a few words of Gallic wisdom whilst away from Blighty and update the Blog when I return.

Great to speak to those honest yeomen C, S and M last evening in three separate phone calls. I enjoyed hearing about S, all alone on the terraces for the Saints game, losing the plot and ranting loudly at our forlorn excuses for players, spittle forming at the sides of his mouth. ‘Losing it on your own’ is frankly laudable and I salute the fellow for his passion and energy. M will be leaving his North Yorkshire idyll and joining S and I for The Buzzcocks gig. I think we may drink very heavily. I am due a night out and am looking forward immensely to that evening. C is well and refreshed from his week in Whitby.